DeKalb County is in the process of implementing an infrastructure mapping system for the sewer system. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency, the City is upgrading its underground infrastructure in an effort to reduce sanitary sewer overflows. In doing this, the need to fully assess the condition of the pipeline is necessary. The County has consistently worked to improve its sewer mapping capabilities. Currently, the sewer system mapping and inventory survey project is being completed by County contractors. The project terms include information regarding mapping, inventory, and recording of geographical location of all public and private sanitary sewer manholes (by identifying numbers), public and private sewer mains, force mains and air valves, service line cleanouts, and lift stations in the wastewater collection system. The primary reason for the occurrence of overflows is a reduced capacity within the sewer. One of the solutions to reducing SSOs will be regular system cleaning, public education on Fats, Oils and grease (FOG) and prevention. In addition to the process of locating and surveying the sewer lines, connectivity, design capacity and pipe invert elevations will be evaluated. The GIS data is now part of an everyday tool kit and data analysis.

Perma-liner has some good news!! We are introducing a zero down, no payments for 90 days on our state of the art 22 foot Perma-Main Turn Key Trailer. We also include training for this trailer system. This is our Top Gun system that can rehabilitate 6”-10” diameter pipelines. There are many other points to consider when using this this powerhouse for installation purposes. A project that is consists of three installations each approximately 500 ft. can be completed in 3 days versus the 9 day time frame for a conventional dig. To find out more about this package deal, call us or go online to